• 3610 6TH AVE, KEARNEY, NE 68845



Would you like to be a part of making a financial difference in God’s Kingdom with us?

Give online by clicking here

A couple of helpful pieces of information to know about giving at First Baptist. First, we make our budget public to all members. We vote on the budget as a congregation at the end of every year, being held accountable to every member to spend the money given by God’s people wisely. Second, we have a Trustee Board that oversees all expenses regularly and prays for God’s wisdom in how to be responsible stewards of God’s gifts.

We use the service Every.org for all of our online giving, allowing us to accept many forms of payment.

If you would like to give regularly through your bank to help us avoid fees, then you can have a Bank draft check made out to:

First Baptist Church, 3610 6th Ave, 68845

You can also drop checks off on your way into the sanctuary or at our office during the week.

Have questions about why to give or how much? Check out a helpful website that can give you some Biblical insight into giving: Dave Ramsey on tithing.