We have a lot of groups that meet in our building throughout the week. Each of these groups tries to fulfill Acts 2:42 discipleship. This means that they are learning how to treasure Christ through paying attention to the Apostles’ teaching in Scripture, fellowshipping with one another in sincerity and being faithful in prayer. Each of these groups would love to have you join them. All of them meet during the school year (Sept. – May) during the listed times. They would love to have you show up, but you can also reach out to the leaders for more information if that would help you be comfortable.
If you would like more information on our Growth Groups that meet throughout Kearney during the week, please fill out our Connection Form.
Groups to Join (click to expand)
- Agape, Rm. 189, Contact: John Arnold (jkarnoldkrny@yahoo.com)
- Partners With Christ, Rm. 165, Contact: Derek Mitchell (dr.802@hotmail.com)
- Rooted, Rm. 162, Contact: Brian Peterson (piranhadisc@yahoo.com)
- Friends, Rm. 116, Contact: Sandi Peterson (bridger1203@frontiernet.net)
- New Horizons College and Career, Rm. 138, Contact: Kim Smith (kjtsmith@hotmail.com)
- Servants and Friends, Rm. 136, Contact: Becky Lucas (jblucas57@gmail.com)
- Faith Builders, Rm. 179, Contact: Sarah Danielson (briadn3@yahoo.com)
- Truth Seekers, Rm. 163, Contact: Bill Bebb (wrbebb@gmail.com)
- Living Stones, Rm. 147, Contact: Lori Reed (lreed@kearneyfb.org)
- SMC, Rm. 114, Contact: Drew Wagner (wagnerdd@live.com)
- Men’s Brotherhood, Wednesday nights @ 8pm in Rm 136, Contact: Kim Smith (kjtsmith@hotmail.com)
- Men’s Breakfast, 3rd Saturday of the month, 7:30am in the Multi-purpose Room, Contact: William Bolen (wbolen@mac.com)
- Godly Men in the Workplace, 1st Friday of the month, Noon @ Valentino’s, Contact: Jamison Cawley (jtcawle@nppd.com) -note: this isn’t on campus but it is open to anyone
- College Aged Women’s Bible Study, Mondays @ 6:30pm, Saints Hall (Katie Larson, katiejopurvis@gmail.com)
- SonRise Bible Study, Tuesdays @ noon, Rm. 136 (Connie Francis, cfrancis1@ymail.com)
- Wednesday Night Bible Study @ 6:30pm, Rm. 136 (Donna Bisbee, mamabisbee@gmail.com)
- Mom to Mom, Wednesdays @ 6:30pm, Rm. 189 (Heidi Farrell, heidifarrell1@gmail.com)
- Thursday Morning Study @ 9:30am, Rm. 136 (Pat Skiles, itspskiles@frontier.net)
- SonRise Bible Study, Thursdays @ 1:30pm, Rm. 136 (Connie Francis, cfrancis1@ymail.com)
Circles (groups that gather for prayer and supporting missions)
- Ruth (Karen Carlson, rkcarlson19@charter.net)
- Dorcas-Tabitha (Carol Letcher, mcletcher1948@yahoo.com)